Hans Kruse

Monadic programmer - Software Engineer with a passion for cooking.

Throw away WSL environments

By Hans Kruse |  Jul 4, 2020  | wsl, debian, powershell, ansible, no-snowflake, dev-box, yak-shaving

A rainy weekend is a perfect opportunity to do some yak shaving and learn a few things. I created a WSL Debian boxes, a collection of PowerShell and Bash scripts that enable you to spin up fresh updated and Ansible enabled WSL 2, based machines at lightning speed. Create an environment to test software. Yak shave your development environment and more.

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Vanilla Java for stream copy

By Hans Kruse |  Sep 4, 2018  | java, programming
In the JavaScript community, not long ago, there was a discussion about using a library versus rolling your own implementation to achieve certain goals. Since there seems to be a new hot and happy JavaScript framework every two months or so, rolling your may be attrative to some people. It even has a name Vanilla JavaScript. Someone even proposed Vanilla-JS framework framework… ;). But how is that for Java? Java used to be slower paced but even here we have the problem of overchoise.
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